Saturday, August 15, 2009


"Don’t give up" is a quote that is often used by many, even I have used it on several occasions. Recently it dawned on me that I just might be wrong about the whole "don’t give up thing” and I really do need to give up. There are a lot of things in life that we just try to hold on to whether it its right or wrong, whether is ours or not, whether it glorifies man or God. We hold on to bitter-sweet relationships , we hold on to careers that is leading us nowhere, even when there are better opportunities staring us in the face, we make the same silly mistakes over and over again all because we have failed to GIVE UP in the first place.We are encouraged by parents, friends, elders, spiritual leaders, and people in general, they tell us over and over again "Don’t give up". Guess what? YimiDivine is acting contrary to that. I am giving up on anything that makes me less of what God has ordained me to be, I am giving up on things that I want desperately and I have not been initially destined to have(believe me, if you genuinely seek the face of the lord you would know), I am giving up on associations that defile me rather that edify me, I am giving up on all my failures, rather than being sorry about them, I am pressing on to succeed, I am giving up everything I consider negative and making positive affirmations out of it all.Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Even the word of God lets us know that we need to GIVE UP our old self in order to enter a new covenant with Christ and be born again.Give up now while you can, don’t just give up, but give up wisely, give up for a purpose, see a big picture ahead of you, give up and be happy you did. Again, GIVE UP WISELY! GIVE UP NOW!