Thursday, August 20, 2009


Pride usually is the beginning of downfall. When we give pride a chance in our lives, we build a certain err around us, that makes us unapproachable. When we begin feel inferior to others, or speak of our accomplishments in a boastful manner, it simply means we are giving glory to ourselves. This ought not to be so; anything we are, or have accomplished in life is not our own doing. We have limited control over whatever we become; God is the one who makes us whatever we turn out to be. People get so carried away when they are fortunate to be at the top, they forget that there are people who are not as fortunate and could use a little help. They begin to categorize themselves in order of class or standard and expect others to look up to them and worship them. It should not be this way, whether or not we are at the top, we need to be humble. Some others even have nothing that one could brag about, but they carry on an attitude of arrogance. On other occasions when things go wrong, or there is a misunderstanding between people in a relationship, they begin to keep malice and develop hatred for one another. Keeping malice has a lot to do with pride. We should try to make peace and do it with all sincerity. Take away all self pride in your thoughts and comments so there will be genuine settlement amongst you. Attitude is something we can always work on, because really whatever attitude we show off at any point in time is by choice. Most times, people miss out on great opportunities and help that could be rendered for their betterment. People sometimes look down on others without knowing what influences they have and what they are capable of or in position to do. The people you have written off might just be the ones who God has placed your destiny their hands. They might be the ones who would help you secure a job, start your business, finance your education, they might even be your long awaited spouse. We need to learn to swallow our pride and also be honest in all your doings because you never know who you are talking to and you never know what degree of help they can render to you. Never let people think you are worth much more than you really are. Once a great opportunity has been missed, it would take only Gods grace to retrace our steps; therefore we should be very careful. Don’t ever feel like there is a certain person that you would never need their help, because you just might never know what God has in store for you through them. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time (Peter 5:6) . To be at the top, you have to start from the bottom, don’t ever think you are too good for anything or too good to be associated with any person. It is ok to be a servant because in Gods own time, you will be a king. Pray daily for the spirit of humility because being prideful is a sin against God and man. Let us always remember that no matter what we have, we are all one under God, and in his sight, we are equal.