Sunday, August 23, 2009


One thing that a lot of people struggle to get is freedom; most young people are guilty of this. We often get to a point in our lives that we begin to feel like we can take our own decisions and be in control of ourselves and everything around us. At a certain time, whether or not we really are, we seem convinced that we are very mature, and we tend to disregard what other people us tell us, most especially our parents. We feel like they just don’t understand us, it often upsets us when they are conformed to their own point of view and don’t really see things our own way. The truth is they know much more than we do. Most times what they tell us is the truth, they often talk to us based on their experiences and they just don’t want us to make the same mistake they have made. Its seems like they go over board sometimes, but it's all out of love. Freedom isn’t something that we need to argue or fight for; it comes to us at the right time, usually when we are really ready for it. At this time, it is obvious that we are mature, and we are able to take care of things ourselves, we are responsible, dependable and can be independent. Freedom comes with a lot more responsibility than people think. A lot of decisions that would have drastic effects on one’s life are taken, this is when we begin to decide our academic field of study, we look for jobs, move out of our parent’s home and live by ourselves, consider marriage and have kids, and a lot of responsibilities come with these things. Before making a big issue about wanting to be free, we really need to be sure that we are ready to deal with everything that comes with it. We need to be ready for various challenges and learn to deal with them in an appropriate manner. If you are not 100% confident about your capability to be take care of yourself and you level of responsibility, then there really isn’t a need to hurry out because you would most likely hurry back, and unchangeable damages might have been done. Not saying freedom is not a good thing to have, it actually is very good, and it helps you cultivate the habit of responsibility and discipline. Since you are the one in charge, you are compelled to take wiser decisions, your spending habit is disciplined and you just mature mentally. There is a time for everything and when this time comes, things just usually take a turn and fall into place without you having to struggle or worry about anything. For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1). Why worry about freedom when God has set us free? The whole issue of wanting freedom for privacy, or for whatever reason would take care of itself at the appointed time, when you feel ready, you can attempt it, but when it’s causing enmity between you and your family and you do it out of stubbornness, then it really isn’t the right time. Wait on God because when he makes you free, you are free indeed.