Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No hurries!

Hurrying is an issue that quite a number of people deal with. Once an opportunity arises, you find yourself jumping into it and taking advantage of the situation. It is not a bad thing to tap into available resources, but it is horrible to do it without carefully considering it. People find themselves rushing into a business line, just because a lot of other people are doing it successfully. They are often filled with regrets at the end of the day because they do not blossom as they thought they would, and a lot of invested money, time and effort go to waste. Everything in life should be done gradually, taken one day at a time. In the process, you can catch any errors in whatever you do and make necessary amendments before it gets out of hand. People rush into relationships, and find out it is not at all what they bargained for. If only they had taken baby steps before jumping the hurdle, they would have had the ability to discern and have an idea of what the relationship would be like before getting into it. There really isn’t any need to rush ahead of ourselves, there is a specific plan God has set for us, and if we are impatient, we just might miss it. A great example is that of Abraham and Sarah, God had a plan for them; he knew he was going to bless them with a child at his own appointed time, but they were in so much hurry. And Sara said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sara (Genesis 16:2). As humans, it is very difficult task to maintain patience, we get so uneasy when things don’t go the way we want it, and at the time we want it. I have learnt to fight the way I feel and hold on to God’s word and promises, because those doubting and uneasy feelings are not of God. If things are not going accordingly, it’s not because you are a total failure, or you are doing something extremely wrong, it’s just that it isn’t the perfect timing or better still, it isn’t according to Gods purpose for your life. God’s time is perfect timing and I believe that is what everyone should be looking forward to, because at his time, you are certain that whatever you do would come out perfect. Waiting on God now shouldn’t give us the permission to be lazy or ignorant, we still should be optimistic in everything we do, but at the same time lean not alone on our understanding. If anything at all is Gods will for your life, it would come to pass at a time that it would bring you unending joy, and bring glory to the name of God.