Sunday, August 30, 2009

When there is a stormy wind.

Can you just take a moment, close your eyes, act like you are dead and see if anyone would even care to look back at you and see if there is something they can do to bring you back to life. Not until you are faced with a life changing and traumatic situation, you would never know peoples sincere feelings towards you. Why is it so quick and easy for people to point fingers and condemn people as soon as they are faced with problems? you smile with people, wine and dine with them, have relationships with them, borrow from them, even have sexual flings with them, talk and hang out with them, but as soon as things go the other way round for them, you make it a priority to speak evil against them and make their situation the headlines for your gist. Why didn’t you not ever say anything before things went wrong? Why do you start your "would have, should have, could have" story now? When something has happened, it has happened and it can’t be taken back, you can only learn from it. It is absolutely wrong for anyone to begin to pass judgment or condemn others at their point of distress. Just so you know, if you have ever taken from, or have been associated with someone that seems to be in trouble for an unjust act, you are equally guilty, so don’t you dare point fingers, because you are not any different or better than them. When people do something wrong, it is good to acknowledge their wrongs, talk to them about it if you are in a position to do so, and abstain totally from doing the samething, but it is very bad and uncalled for to say, or do things that would make them look worse or mock them when the situation has gone beyond repair. When things go wrong is when you are needed the most, that is when you should be as supportive as you can. There are times that there is really nothing you can do to help, but a word of prayer can go really far. The word of God better tells us this in (Romans 12:15-19) 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. [c] Do not be conceited. 17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[d]says the Lord.
Most of the people who speak evil aganist others happen to be Christians and they go to church and listen to the word, I just wonder why they turn around and do not practice the word they preach and learn every day. Of recent, a stormy wind has blown, and it has opened my eyes, I have learnt once again that no one can be trusted, there really is no friend, and the heart of man is desperately wicked. The thing is no one is above mistake, people find themselves in certain situations that they did not really plan to be in, but such is life. Our God is faithful and just to forgive, man can only talk, but God has the final say in every situation. I pray that everyone that is undergoing any form of life struggle, be it as a result of the work of their hands, their actions, speeches or whatever, May the lord God almighty show forth his mercy, and prove to the world that there is nothing in possible with him. I believe only God has the power to calm every stormy wind and the lord will surely calm this storm.