Monday, August 24, 2009

Do you!

There is something about each and every human being that makes us differ from each other; there are no two human beings that have the exact same character. People might look alike, act alike, sound alike or even think alike, but when you dig dipper, you will definitely discover one or two things that makes them differ. The fact that we are all created in our own unique way sometimes brings about conflict. This is something that only could be dealt with individually; we all differ in terms of background, beliefs, morals, religion, culture and so on. When two people that differ in all the above mentioned ways come together, there is a high chance of them bumping heads, not because there are bad people individually, but there are just things that they believe in, and everyone just thinks their own way is the right way. The truth is when you are brought up a certain way; you tend to continue living your life likewise. It would take a lot of conviction to alter your belief. Our differences make us find faults in others and this is often mutual, but we just can’t change who we are. If we change to please person A, then person B may not be satisfied. Are we now going to switch up to put to meet person B standards? The answer is NO! There is no way you can satisfy everyone you know, if you try to, you would end up being bipolar. When you start developing these multiple personalities, you may begin to suffer psychologically. Is anyone really worth your mental disability? I don’t think so. I think everyone should just be themselves at all times, work on characters that you personally feel the need to improve on, after all, we all have flaws, and we are all imperfect beings, so our mistakes can sometimes be excused. There really isn’t any need to try to be who you are not, our character is something that we can hide only for a little time, who we really are will eventually come out at a time that we are least conscious. It is best to be yourself, you should let everyone meet, love and appreciate the real you.