Saturday, August 22, 2009

Live and Enjoy living

Today was a great day, it was a day set aside for fun, and I had loads of it. I was able to do things I hadn’t done in years, I did things I have always wished to do but have never had the opportunity of doing, and lastly, I did things I never thought I would do and it was all enjoyable every step of the way. This is to let you know that you should never put a limit to yourself, we all have one life to live, why don’t we just live it, and live it to the fullest! People invest a lot of time working, and worrying about general life issues. They forget about themselves and they get worn out gradually. This is a character common among higher level students, people of working class, and most parents. They get really carried away by school work, their jobs or taking care of children, they neglect themselves and begin to age rapidly. This should be immediately corrected; basic things of life shouldn’t stop one from having fun, relaxing and just enjoying life generally. Sometimes, it is a difficult task to just let go of your worries, bills that have to be paid, children’s needs, assignments due all their general stuff that goes on in people’s lives, but we really need to start making changes. A tip to start with is to prioritize; we should have a time set aside to take care of things that we consider priority. When things are done at the time it should be done, there wouldn’t be any need for worry and there would be free time that you could use to do things that you enjoy. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Matthew 6:34). Even our God wants us to take each day as it comes, rather than worrying about life, make the best of it. Dare yourself, do things that you haven’t done before, socialize and learn from others. Don’t just be conformed to a routine, do something outside the box, so when your are overwhelmed or you feel down, you can think back to the fun things you have done in the past, and it would put a beautiful smile on your face. Life is beautiful; there are great things to be discovered, awesome people to mingle with, hobbies to be developed and lots more. Why don’t you just sit and review your life schedule, see how you can set things around and ensure sure you have the time to give yourself a treat or do something memorable. Once again we have just this one life to live, live everyday like its going to be your last, make the best of it and live it to the fullest.

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