Friday, June 4, 2010

Death that took my father.

Death gives absolutely no warnings; it gives no day, date, time or location. I never in my life thought I would see the day "Death" would visit my family and I, but it did on the 2nd of June, 2010. Death came this day and took my only father , my grand father Chief Emmanuel Oladehinde Coker (JP).

When people I know lose a loved one, I tell them "I can’t say I know how you feel because I honestly don’t ". Today I can say I know how it feels to lose a loved one, how it is to lose a mentor, a hero, a guardian, a provider, an adviser a father, my very own grandfather. It‘s a horrible feeling, a hurt that words cannot define and a scar that would take only the grace of the almighty God to heal. Everyone says he is old and he has lived a great life. I do not dispute that, but daddy was way too much a part of our lives that we cannot just immediately accept he is gone. Daddy was not ill, showed absolutely no signs of a person that would give up the ghost anytime soon. Shock is an understatement for the way I feel, words cannot even describe it. Just last week I spoke with daddy, and all he emphasized was “I will send you something, don’t worry" and I smiled because that was a very typical line from daddy to me.

God, I wish I was able to talk to you on Monday, they said you were asleep daddy! How would I have known you would be leaving us on Wednesday? God knows every part of my existence is hurt and tears have become a very good friend of mine. You are the father I have had and known all my life,

Daddy, you promised to attend my graduation next year, Daddy, you were supposed to walk me down the aisle,

Daddy, you were supposed to hold my child in your hands and give it a name,

Daddy, you were supposed to be here and watch me become a woman, a wife and a mother.

Daddy you promised to send something to me, and you never got to,

Daddy I never thought you would live just like that without an opportunity to even say a proper goodbye.

Oh God! My dear Grandmother, I bet she would give anything right now to serve you tea in the morning, make your brunch, lunch, pre supper, and supper. After waking up by your side for the past 50 something years of her life loving and serving you.

I wonder how Oladehinde Coker street would be able to bear your loss, just walking down that street every evening and you’re not up on that balcony to wave your hands to passersby anymore. Daddy, you always picked the house phone on the first ring, first you yell our name and next you yell 'Iya Olu". It broke my heart to call the house and hear Iya Olu herself pick the phone on the first ring with nothing but brokeness in her voice.

Enough said, because I cannot say it all.I am eternally greatful to the almighty creator, the immortal, invisible and only wise God, the almighty God that brought you to this earth to give us all life, and took you after you have fullfilled his purpose. To the glory of God you lived a very purposeful and fulfilled life. Daddy you have lived life to the fullest, you have accomplished it all. From the stories you told us, you started as a nobody, but God lifted you and made you a somebody. You have lived to see you children, and grand children succeed in life. You were a father figure to so many others. You taught us the importance of being close with one’s family, you taught us to beware of friends because no one can really be trusted. You taught us to be fearless and you always blessed us and said it will be well with us. God has used you to bless so many lives including your own family. You have left a legacy, a name that would never ever be forgotten by so many. Indeed daddy, you have lived a good life. You are a rare gem of inestimable value; you are a hero, our very own hero.

My Father, My Grandfather, Baba mi Emmanuel,Oladehinde Oladipupo Coker(JP) aka E.O, Baba Coker, Baba Olu, Babanbunmi, Aaadaddyyyy. I love you with every fiber of my being and from the bottom of my heart. I will really miss you, and I will never ever forget you! Daddy! E SUN RE O, E ma gbagbe awa omo yin o, REST IN PERFECT PEACE.

( FEB 01 1927- JUN 02 2010).


  1. me really touching...............i know how you feel

  2. Take Heart Dear. The Holy Spirit will act as a comforter always.

  3. You have said it all. May his soul rest in perfect peace.

  4. Yimi this soo touchin. May his soul rest in absolute and perfect peace... Nta

  5. this makes me remember all the times i used to call u wen we were in isl and ur grandpa would pick up and know it is me before i even said my name, he would even chat with me 4 a while b4 giving u d fone, he was a very lovely man and i would really miss him more than i have all these while i dint hear from him...dont worry he would never forget anyone of us, may his soul rest in perfect peace, amen....uch

  6. Aww man I miss Grandpa so much...i never thought he would leave us..hes always been there...i still dont think hes gone... :/

  7. Aww......Yimi dearie! I know how yhu feel and truth be told,I'm extremely sorry about yhr loss. May the Lord God Almighty fill the void Papa left,be a Father to yhu and give yhu joy from within. His dwelling in the Bosom of God is what should keep yhu going atm,stay by Grandma and Mummy....knowing eventually,yhu'd be re-united with Daddy. It is completely well in Jesus Name...<3 yhu mch!! Deola

  8. Hi Yimi,

    I am praying for you...


  9. I am praying for you Yimi...
