Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Don’t you ever speak!

If you haven’t taken out time to examine yourself, test yourself; make sure that everything about you is close to perfect, if not perfect, then DONT YOU EVER SPEAK!!! . A lot of people have done a very good job, criticizing others, destroying their reputation, judging and just putting everything about others in jeopardy. It is said times without number that no one is perfect, and we all reason differently, so why would anyone take it upon themselves to pass judgment on someone else? Imagine what life would be like if God condemns us for every offence we commit. It is really disturbing when the people that focus on criticizing others are not any innocent; they are most often as guilty as the person they are pointing fingers at. Many at times, we find out that people just pass judgment on others based on their assumptions, they just look at a person and feel like they can tell everything about them, the truth is it takes a while to be able to actually speak about someone, you can’t tell how a person is until you actually take time out to get to know them. we think we can tell how a person is by the way they are dressed, who they are around and so on, but really, it isn’t enough to criticize them, how a person looks doesn’t tell all about them, what is on the outside doesn’t completely speak for what is on the inside. One thing I feel would be understandable is if someone you know has done something inappropriate, you have the right to speak to or caution them about their actions, but this depends solely on how deep your relationship is with the person. It might be rude to speak to someone on their actions when you have no close relationship whatsoever with them. It is also one thing to correct a person, it is also another to condemn a person. Condemnation should be avoided because no one is above mistake, and it is unfair for someone to be completely written off because of a mistake they have made. Give people a chance to be aware of their mistakes, let them know it is wrong that they did what they did, but they should learn from their mistake and ensure it doesn’t happen again. After all our mistakes only help us grow to be better people, we learn best from our experiences. There is no reason for anyone to be completely condemned or negatively talked about because of something they have done, or because of how they have chosen to live their lives. Everyone has a right to whatever pleases them; there is an issue only when their action is causing problems for another person. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye (Matthew 7:5). please if you know you are not perfect, and you have some form of known or unknown dirt with a skeleton in your cupboard DON’T YOU EVER SPEAK, don’t make it a priority to make others feel they are worth nothing or their mistake cannot be corrected, instead try to work on your own short comings and encourage others to do the same. Remember when you point a finger, all the others left point right back at you.

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