Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Try it out.

You never know what you are missing until you have tried something different. There are a lot of awesome things in life that we are yet to experience, these are things that we might have not been able to afford, or we are just not opportune to enjoy. We are always conformed to a particular routine; we eat the same food constantly, go to the same recreational areas, and mingle with the same set of people and so on. When you have this set way of life, you don’t know what else is out there for you. You might think what you currently have is good, but it could only get better if you tried something different. Let something about you change, if you are known to always have short hair styles, dare yourself, go for a different look, try something long, you just might love what you see. All you do is fry, fry, fry, why don’t you try baking, grilling or just some different method of cooking; it would amaze you that you could get such a great different taste. Do you always have to take that same route everyday to work or school? Well if you don’t have to, you should try taking a different route, there just might be less stop lights, and traffic jams that way. Don’t get rid of your dear friends, but you know what? it doesn’t hurt to meet other people, spread your wings, adapt to diversity, meet people that have a different cultural background, you never know, you just might learn one or two thing that you were never aware of. I know you love that place of worship you attend, you might have built a family there and have a good relationship with the members, those are great things, but it never hurts to take out a day to visit a different place of worship. (Romans 12:1-2) I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. You see, even our God doesn’t mind us changing, he is the only one who cannot change, we are given the liberty to try things out and make the best of the resources we have been blessed with. This shouldn’t give anyone the go ahead to defile their bodies, or do things that they would regret all in the name of I want to make a change. This is just a form of encouragement to do things just a little different than what we always do, for the purpose of learning new things, and having second choices. Dare yourselves people, try something new, try something different, get out of your shell and spread your wings, mount on eagles wings and soar.......The sky is your limit!

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