Sunday, August 16, 2009


Consistency is a virtue, it is not seen as one all of the time but it really is. What is consistency? This is a high degree to which a set pattern, trend, or character is followed, and this trend, pattern or character is followed unconditionally. Trends or patterns can be set in any and everything. It can be in the way one speaks, dress, address people, the relationships one has and just the way things are generally done. I would be focusing more on consistency in relationships, solely because I can speak from my past experiences. Inconsistency is a major source of confusion, its causes you to shy away from what “is” and focus on what is “not”. A lot of people deal with “off and on’s” in relationships, not specifically boy-girl relationships, but also in mutual sex relationship. When a party in a relationship all of a sudden quits on the other, and renders them confused, then inconsistency has set in. Most people are inconsistent due to immaturity or indecisiveness which can be sometimes understandable. It is very unfair though to drag someone else in your confusion because it either sets them back, or you cause them to be as confused as you are. Before you embark on anything at all, it is a very wise idea to be as informed about it as possible, pray about it and be sure it is the best for you rather than just jumping into it and backing out at the dying minute. It is good to be known for who you really are, rather than carrying the coat of a chameleon. Once you set your heart to something, and you are certain that you have made an appropriate decision, then you will be consistent and you would have a smooth sail. There would be no fear of backing out or disappointing anyone. A lot of times, feelings are hurt, hearts are broken all because they have been entangled with a person who is not consistent and wont always come through for them.

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