Monday, August 17, 2009


Friendship is something I place a lot of value on. It is not something that should be jumped into. It is something that should be properly evaluated, and it is something that should be prayerfully considered. There are various types of friends and friendships. You have some “forever friends”, that you most likely have known from your childhood and still maintain a good relationship with, some friends just walk into your life, make a positive impact and you keep them, some are just there to take from you, some are mentors that you look up to, some are there to listen to you, and this might sound rather untrue, but some are just in your life, to hurt you, cheat you and stab you in the back.Before deciding to be friends with anyone, It is wise to take a little time to get to know them, know what they are about, study them, find out if you can be compatible, check to see if they would defile or edify you, take note of their values, character and actions, see if they truly care about you and have your interest at heart. If they are wise, they would be carrying out the same tests on you as well and then a reasonable conclusion can be met. Personally, when acquaintances say or do things that hurt me or I’m not too pleased with, I don’t care too much, I see it as one of those things that come with life or even part of learning and growing up and I let it go easily. On the other hand, when the people I consider “friend” do likewise, I am hurt much more, because I feel they should know me better than others and they should understand me. Things I consider key in friendship are HONESTY, TRUST and LOYALTY. If any of these key things is lacking in a relationship then it is not friendship. A friend is someone you can count on always, one that would always be there for you no matter the situation, they would always have your interest at heart, they would do whatever is within their reach to ensure you are the best, they would defend you boldly and caution you as the opportunity arises, a friend would always support your goals and dreams, commend you on your achievements and encourage you when things go otherwise. A friend should love you for who you are and the way you are, your friend should love your family as well. A true friend should know his or her boundaries, you should feel safe when your supposed close friend is around you man or your woman, and you shouldn’t have any insecurity when it comes to your friend. You should not have to worry that your friend is sneaking around your significant other, or having a rather suspicous or unnecessary relationship with them.They should respect your affairs and relationships.
After all said and done, Can I be a friend? Do I even have a friend? Lastly, is there really that perfect friend? To my last question, the answer is YES there is, there's just this one sweet, humble, meek, lowly, loving, loyal, honest, caring, true man. He loves everyone equally; he is the only true friend that I have met. He has never been fake, and he never leaves nor forsakes his friend. He is always there through thick and thin. I have evaluated him, and I am convinced that he is just the perfect friend for me. The awesome thing about him is he carries everyone along, he can be friends with the whole world, therefore, if you are seeking that one best friend, I am willing to share mine with you. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS.

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