Sunday, September 13, 2009

He always comes through.

When God turned again the captivity of Zion, they were like they that dream. Whoever says our God is not real, or does not exist must have gone to the wrong God, and they really need to try again. I am just amazed by the Lord's doings; he just has a way of making the impossible possible. He does answer prayers, in the most miraculous ways, he opens doors that have been shut for the longest time, he makes a way even when there seems to be no way. At the mention of his name, every knee falls in adoration. What an awesome God we serve. I believe in him because he does all he says he will do, he has never failed and he will never fail. He is the pillar that holds my life, the solid rock on which I stand. He is the lover of my soul, he is my bestest friend. When the whole entire world fails, he is the only one that would always come through for us, he always has our back. He assures us that things would get better, no matter how horrible our situation looks to us and to the world; he always gives us a reason to be thankful at the end of it all. When we have been condemned and written off by the world, the lord comes in majestically and stands in gap for us, he trades our shame for gain and the enemies are put to shame. Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to me, words cannot express how much love I have for him, I don’t know how to show gratitude to him for what he has done, what he is currently doing, and all the wonderful things he is yet to do in my life and in the lives of my beloved ones. I believe in him and in his words, he is a God that always keeps every covenant, even when we don’t deserve mercy, he still showers it unto us abundantly, when we are being cast away, he draws us close to him and shows us he loves us no matter what, he is never ashamed of us or embarrassed by our mistakes. In time of distress, people instantly back out and live you to your situation, but Christ alone is there with us through thick and thin, he alone just always comes through.

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