Saturday, October 31, 2009

How do I stay strong?

It’s a painful fact, but disappointments are inevitable, there are a lot of things we aspire in life that we don’t get at the time that we want it, or we might never end up having. Don’t you get tired of people telling you, "God has a purpose for everything", "it wasn’t meant to be", "it’s just not the right time" and all others of that nature. All these are the things people tell you when you have been disappointed or when things just don’t go well generally, I am guilty of it too, I mean, what else is there to say, there is nothing any one can do about certain issues. Really how do I stay strong, when I have been thought to be hopeful, to have faith, to be optimistic, to go for whatever I feel is right, not to give up on my goals, to be positive and proclaim all that is good to myself, and I go ahead and do all these and much more and at the end of it all I’m drowning in my ocean of tears. Is it now wrong to believe in myself and do what I feel is right? is there an explanation for studying so hard in school and ending up with a "D" on a test, or going for a job interview and being rejected for no just cause, or being with someone you truly care about, and one day out of nowhere they don’t seem to care about you anymore and can’t be bothered if a monster came and beat your head off, or you realize at the end of a week not a single person has even bothered to check if you exist or show that they care for you, or the end of the month comes and all the bills are piled up with not a penny to pay for them, or you feel blessed with a spouse, fiancé, fiancée that you consider perfect, and you come to find your supposed better half with another person and you stay calm to find out what’s going on, and really there isn’t much going on, they just don’t want you anymore, or you are out having fun with your friend, you guys had a blast and after a long night you retire to your various homes, only to get a call the next morning that your dear friend has passed away, better yet, you are excited and awaiting your first child and your delivery day has finally come, you are blessed with a beautiful baby boy, and you are told he has a neurological syndrome and might never walk or speak, or all you have is a migrane, and to decide to see the doctor, and after tests are carried out, he tells you you have a brain tumor and you have a number of months to live,it goes on and on and on. When you are faced with one of the above mentioned situations or even more than one of it at the same time, there isn’t anyway you would not be heartbroken, disappointed or devastated. One might look very ok on the outside, but they are really hurting on the inside and it hurts the most when there really isn’t anything they can do at the spur of the moment to change their situation, it’s hard to tell them to be hopeful, because they were hopeful initially, you are scared to tell them to have faith, because they had faith, its sometimes even hard to tell them to pray because they prayed without ceasing, but things did not go how they had wished or planned. So now tell me how can one possibly stay strong? One thing that has worked for me is constant songs of praise and the word of God. I begin to rejoice in my tears and in my sadness not because it can do anything to my better my situation at the time, but it lifts my spirit and helps me to focus on the good things I have and how things can get better for me. Like they say, “there is no use crying over spilled milk” well that doesn’t mean don’t cry at all, if you are the crying type, go ahead and cry, but only for a moment, don’t sit around and spend the whole time crying and seeking sympathy because you would only end up with a headache, better still get up and sing songs of praise, you will be surprised at how your mood would change, and how good you would feel.Also rather than praying to God and questioning him on why things are not going well with you, just thank him the good things he has done for you in the past and the things you have left that don’t cause you pain. Accept everyday as it comes and just move on rather that dwell on what hurts you.Lastly, baptize yourself in the word of God, read verses like Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 5:3-5, James 1:2-4, Matthew 6:25-34, proverbs 19:21, Joshua 1:9. They don’t change your situation, or make things better, they make you stay strong and pull through, they help you overcome sadness, disappointments and fear, and they help you move on. There really is a way to stay strong. God helps me stay strong!

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