Sunday, November 29, 2009

Can't Have It All.

Left to me, I would be pushing a ,Lamborghini murcielago with plates saying YIMIDIVINE, Definitely living in my own customized, Yimi modeled, 500,000 sq feet castle somewhere in some island, I would be rocking luxury shoes, clothes, jewelry and all the fine material things life has to offer. And of course I would be married to my prince charming. Come to think of it, if I have all these and more what happens next? Would it give me true satisfaction? Would I really be happy? Would I have genuine peace in my heart? Would that mean I am fulfilled and I have accomplished the propose for which I was created? The answer is NO, there is much more to life than riches and material stuff. We spend most of our time and life trying to be the best we can be, most especially financially. Majority go to school, learn a trade, set up businesses and do various other things just so they can be in good standing and to make ends meet. Sometimes we go out of our way to do things that we would not originally do all in the name of "I want to have it all". Life is very enjoyable when you are able to aquire most of your wants or needs, be comfortable and be a source of help to others. I don’t have to have all the money in the world to be fulfilled. Life has become such a competition, that people are striving so hard to meet up to other people’s expectations, have what others have and even have more than they do. They forget to pursue things that are much more important; they put aside their original goals and dreams and begin to work in a completely opposite direction. I strongly believe and uphold the saying that 'True beauty of life is in how happy you make others and the impact you have in their lives" not on how big your house is, the Gucci shoes you are rocking or the Armani suit you have on. It is great to have great aspirations, but it is a problem when material things are taking over you and becoming your daily priority. Riches I believe comes from God and him alone, I don’t have to slave my whole life and abandon myself and who I really am because I want to acquire material things. It is all vanity and it all would one day fade away. It is crazy the extents to which we human beings go all in the name of I have to have this and I have to have that. Why don’t we just make the best of what we have and pray to God to bless what we have and make it yield much more, rather than abandoning or misusing what we have because we feel it’s not good enough. We need to cultivate the habit of being content with what we have and be grateful for it instead of envying others that might have a little more than we do. The truth is we can wish all we want, but we can’t really have it all.Some people are very wealthy, but have no peace of mind, some are poor but are very healthy, some are single and having the time of their life, while some are married and feel imprisoned. So really everyone has one challenge or the other that they are dealing with,you therefore are better off being yourself and living in accordance with God's ordination. Trying to make money should not be an excuse for not having a relationship with God because he has greater thoughts and plans that are of good towards us. So rather than chasing after the world why don’t you focus on God and let him give you genuine riches and peace. Material things come with a "comma" but when you have Christ you can indeed say you have it all. You might not necessarily have a humongous bank account, but God can definately bless you with peace, joy, love, talents and lots more that would grant you access to being the best. It’s good to look good, it’s good to have good things, but not at the expense of others or when your life, and the lives of others are in jeopardy. What does it profit a man to lose his soul and gain the world? Mark 8:36. We don’t have to want everything because as humans no matter what, or however much we have, we would always want more, we just tend to let greed set in. The major thing we should set our heart to is our fellowship and relationship with God because we can never have too much of him. He is the only one who can continually sustain us, he makes us radiant, and we just epitomize his glory. Even if I wear my little dress, and wear my regular shoes, and drive a decent car and live in a well maintained home, that is all comfortable and affordable, I know God would in his own way make me appear like I am worth much more than i really am. God has a way of showing off his glory through us. After all said, left to me, I would do my best in everything I do and submit the rest to God, thereafter, I would focus on him, and let him do all that he wants to do with me in his own way and in his own time. I would focus on building a relationship with God, having an impact on others and being a resource of help to others, rather than compete in acquiring materials. I want more of you Lord, when I have you, then and only then alone can I say I Have It All....


  1. Awsome message. I am really and truly blessed.

  2. follow my blog, i will follow yours. i promise.
