Friday, December 25, 2009

Its about you, so be thankful!!!!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace.
This wonderful season is not just about our savior’s birth, but it is also about each and everyone one of us. Christ was born so that "we" could have life, and have it abundantly. Jesus lives so that "we" would be saved, he lives to heal, protect, revive, restore, and transform "us", and he will also die to take "our" sins away and for the salvation of "our" souls. The resurrection of Christ is for us to be reborn in him, and to crown it all he has made a home in each of "our" hearts and therefore till this day dwells in "us". This season which marks the birth of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ is also about us, which is why we should make the very best of it, and show total appreciation, and genuine love in the best possible way we can. This season should serve as an opportunity for us to forgo our weaknesses, failures and insecurities and focus on the awesome things God has been doing for us and show that we are grateful for it. We should then continue to live our lives in anticipation of the magnificent things he has planned for us.
There are certain mistakes we have made through the year, the road might not have been smooth all the way, there might have been inevitable ups and downs and there definitely would have been various occurrences that we would really wish we could push an “undo” button to reverse. This closure of the year should serve as an avenue for everyone to take timeout to do self-evaluations in all aspects of their lives. These evaluations would help detect errors, and it would also serve as on opportunity for us to give ourselves a pat on the back for our good deeds over the year. Every notified error should be worked on, we should try to figure out things we could do better in order to avoid reoccurrences and also to be better people in that aspect of our lives. The end of the year should also serve as an opportunity to set selfless and realistic goals that would not just be for the betterment of our lives, but also for the betterment, joy and satisfaction of all those around us. Just as Jesus has been selfless and has shared his birth, life, death and resurrection with us, let us also share our lives with others and show love and care the best possible way we can.
Lastly, I am extremely grateful for the year 2009, words cannot express the extent of my gratitude, I am thankful for the life God has given to me and for recently adding another year to it, for the wonderful family he has blessed me with, for awesome friends. I am thankful for the new babies born this year that were an addition to the people in my life, I am thankful for the people dear to my heart that passed away, I am thankful for all those who love me and all those who don’t. I am most especially thankful for the unconditional, and undying love Christ has for me.

I wish everyone a magnificent 2010

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