Sunday, August 30, 2009

When there is a stormy wind.

Can you just take a moment, close your eyes, act like you are dead and see if anyone would even care to look back at you and see if there is something they can do to bring you back to life. Not until you are faced with a life changing and traumatic situation, you would never know peoples sincere feelings towards you. Why is it so quick and easy for people to point fingers and condemn people as soon as they are faced with problems? you smile with people, wine and dine with them, have relationships with them, borrow from them, even have sexual flings with them, talk and hang out with them, but as soon as things go the other way round for them, you make it a priority to speak evil against them and make their situation the headlines for your gist. Why didn’t you not ever say anything before things went wrong? Why do you start your "would have, should have, could have" story now? When something has happened, it has happened and it can’t be taken back, you can only learn from it. It is absolutely wrong for anyone to begin to pass judgment or condemn others at their point of distress. Just so you know, if you have ever taken from, or have been associated with someone that seems to be in trouble for an unjust act, you are equally guilty, so don’t you dare point fingers, because you are not any different or better than them. When people do something wrong, it is good to acknowledge their wrongs, talk to them about it if you are in a position to do so, and abstain totally from doing the samething, but it is very bad and uncalled for to say, or do things that would make them look worse or mock them when the situation has gone beyond repair. When things go wrong is when you are needed the most, that is when you should be as supportive as you can. There are times that there is really nothing you can do to help, but a word of prayer can go really far. The word of God better tells us this in (Romans 12:15-19) 15Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. 16Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. [c] Do not be conceited. 17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay,"[d]says the Lord.
Most of the people who speak evil aganist others happen to be Christians and they go to church and listen to the word, I just wonder why they turn around and do not practice the word they preach and learn every day. Of recent, a stormy wind has blown, and it has opened my eyes, I have learnt once again that no one can be trusted, there really is no friend, and the heart of man is desperately wicked. The thing is no one is above mistake, people find themselves in certain situations that they did not really plan to be in, but such is life. Our God is faithful and just to forgive, man can only talk, but God has the final say in every situation. I pray that everyone that is undergoing any form of life struggle, be it as a result of the work of their hands, their actions, speeches or whatever, May the lord God almighty show forth his mercy, and prove to the world that there is nothing in possible with him. I believe only God has the power to calm every stormy wind and the lord will surely calm this storm.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Try it out.

You never know what you are missing until you have tried something different. There are a lot of awesome things in life that we are yet to experience, these are things that we might have not been able to afford, or we are just not opportune to enjoy. We are always conformed to a particular routine; we eat the same food constantly, go to the same recreational areas, and mingle with the same set of people and so on. When you have this set way of life, you don’t know what else is out there for you. You might think what you currently have is good, but it could only get better if you tried something different. Let something about you change, if you are known to always have short hair styles, dare yourself, go for a different look, try something long, you just might love what you see. All you do is fry, fry, fry, why don’t you try baking, grilling or just some different method of cooking; it would amaze you that you could get such a great different taste. Do you always have to take that same route everyday to work or school? Well if you don’t have to, you should try taking a different route, there just might be less stop lights, and traffic jams that way. Don’t get rid of your dear friends, but you know what? it doesn’t hurt to meet other people, spread your wings, adapt to diversity, meet people that have a different cultural background, you never know, you just might learn one or two thing that you were never aware of. I know you love that place of worship you attend, you might have built a family there and have a good relationship with the members, those are great things, but it never hurts to take out a day to visit a different place of worship. (Romans 12:1-2) I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. You see, even our God doesn’t mind us changing, he is the only one who cannot change, we are given the liberty to try things out and make the best of the resources we have been blessed with. This shouldn’t give anyone the go ahead to defile their bodies, or do things that they would regret all in the name of I want to make a change. This is just a form of encouragement to do things just a little different than what we always do, for the purpose of learning new things, and having second choices. Dare yourselves people, try something new, try something different, get out of your shell and spread your wings, mount on eagles wings and soar.......The sky is your limit!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Don’t you ever speak!

If you haven’t taken out time to examine yourself, test yourself; make sure that everything about you is close to perfect, if not perfect, then DONT YOU EVER SPEAK!!! . A lot of people have done a very good job, criticizing others, destroying their reputation, judging and just putting everything about others in jeopardy. It is said times without number that no one is perfect, and we all reason differently, so why would anyone take it upon themselves to pass judgment on someone else? Imagine what life would be like if God condemns us for every offence we commit. It is really disturbing when the people that focus on criticizing others are not any innocent; they are most often as guilty as the person they are pointing fingers at. Many at times, we find out that people just pass judgment on others based on their assumptions, they just look at a person and feel like they can tell everything about them, the truth is it takes a while to be able to actually speak about someone, you can’t tell how a person is until you actually take time out to get to know them. we think we can tell how a person is by the way they are dressed, who they are around and so on, but really, it isn’t enough to criticize them, how a person looks doesn’t tell all about them, what is on the outside doesn’t completely speak for what is on the inside. One thing I feel would be understandable is if someone you know has done something inappropriate, you have the right to speak to or caution them about their actions, but this depends solely on how deep your relationship is with the person. It might be rude to speak to someone on their actions when you have no close relationship whatsoever with them. It is also one thing to correct a person, it is also another to condemn a person. Condemnation should be avoided because no one is above mistake, and it is unfair for someone to be completely written off because of a mistake they have made. Give people a chance to be aware of their mistakes, let them know it is wrong that they did what they did, but they should learn from their mistake and ensure it doesn’t happen again. After all our mistakes only help us grow to be better people, we learn best from our experiences. There is no reason for anyone to be completely condemned or negatively talked about because of something they have done, or because of how they have chosen to live their lives. Everyone has a right to whatever pleases them; there is an issue only when their action is causing problems for another person. Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye (Matthew 7:5). please if you know you are not perfect, and you have some form of known or unknown dirt with a skeleton in your cupboard DON’T YOU EVER SPEAK, don’t make it a priority to make others feel they are worth nothing or their mistake cannot be corrected, instead try to work on your own short comings and encourage others to do the same. Remember when you point a finger, all the others left point right back at you.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Do you!

There is something about each and every human being that makes us differ from each other; there are no two human beings that have the exact same character. People might look alike, act alike, sound alike or even think alike, but when you dig dipper, you will definitely discover one or two things that makes them differ. The fact that we are all created in our own unique way sometimes brings about conflict. This is something that only could be dealt with individually; we all differ in terms of background, beliefs, morals, religion, culture and so on. When two people that differ in all the above mentioned ways come together, there is a high chance of them bumping heads, not because there are bad people individually, but there are just things that they believe in, and everyone just thinks their own way is the right way. The truth is when you are brought up a certain way; you tend to continue living your life likewise. It would take a lot of conviction to alter your belief. Our differences make us find faults in others and this is often mutual, but we just can’t change who we are. If we change to please person A, then person B may not be satisfied. Are we now going to switch up to put to meet person B standards? The answer is NO! There is no way you can satisfy everyone you know, if you try to, you would end up being bipolar. When you start developing these multiple personalities, you may begin to suffer psychologically. Is anyone really worth your mental disability? I don’t think so. I think everyone should just be themselves at all times, work on characters that you personally feel the need to improve on, after all, we all have flaws, and we are all imperfect beings, so our mistakes can sometimes be excused. There really isn’t any need to try to be who you are not, our character is something that we can hide only for a little time, who we really are will eventually come out at a time that we are least conscious. It is best to be yourself, you should let everyone meet, love and appreciate the real you.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


One thing that a lot of people struggle to get is freedom; most young people are guilty of this. We often get to a point in our lives that we begin to feel like we can take our own decisions and be in control of ourselves and everything around us. At a certain time, whether or not we really are, we seem convinced that we are very mature, and we tend to disregard what other people us tell us, most especially our parents. We feel like they just don’t understand us, it often upsets us when they are conformed to their own point of view and don’t really see things our own way. The truth is they know much more than we do. Most times what they tell us is the truth, they often talk to us based on their experiences and they just don’t want us to make the same mistake they have made. Its seems like they go over board sometimes, but it's all out of love. Freedom isn’t something that we need to argue or fight for; it comes to us at the right time, usually when we are really ready for it. At this time, it is obvious that we are mature, and we are able to take care of things ourselves, we are responsible, dependable and can be independent. Freedom comes with a lot more responsibility than people think. A lot of decisions that would have drastic effects on one’s life are taken, this is when we begin to decide our academic field of study, we look for jobs, move out of our parent’s home and live by ourselves, consider marriage and have kids, and a lot of responsibilities come with these things. Before making a big issue about wanting to be free, we really need to be sure that we are ready to deal with everything that comes with it. We need to be ready for various challenges and learn to deal with them in an appropriate manner. If you are not 100% confident about your capability to be take care of yourself and you level of responsibility, then there really isn’t a need to hurry out because you would most likely hurry back, and unchangeable damages might have been done. Not saying freedom is not a good thing to have, it actually is very good, and it helps you cultivate the habit of responsibility and discipline. Since you are the one in charge, you are compelled to take wiser decisions, your spending habit is disciplined and you just mature mentally. There is a time for everything and when this time comes, things just usually take a turn and fall into place without you having to struggle or worry about anything. For freedom Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not be subject again to the yoke of slavery (Galatians 5:1). Why worry about freedom when God has set us free? The whole issue of wanting freedom for privacy, or for whatever reason would take care of itself at the appointed time, when you feel ready, you can attempt it, but when it’s causing enmity between you and your family and you do it out of stubbornness, then it really isn’t the right time. Wait on God because when he makes you free, you are free indeed.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Live and Enjoy living

Today was a great day, it was a day set aside for fun, and I had loads of it. I was able to do things I hadn’t done in years, I did things I have always wished to do but have never had the opportunity of doing, and lastly, I did things I never thought I would do and it was all enjoyable every step of the way. This is to let you know that you should never put a limit to yourself, we all have one life to live, why don’t we just live it, and live it to the fullest! People invest a lot of time working, and worrying about general life issues. They forget about themselves and they get worn out gradually. This is a character common among higher level students, people of working class, and most parents. They get really carried away by school work, their jobs or taking care of children, they neglect themselves and begin to age rapidly. This should be immediately corrected; basic things of life shouldn’t stop one from having fun, relaxing and just enjoying life generally. Sometimes, it is a difficult task to just let go of your worries, bills that have to be paid, children’s needs, assignments due all their general stuff that goes on in people’s lives, but we really need to start making changes. A tip to start with is to prioritize; we should have a time set aside to take care of things that we consider priority. When things are done at the time it should be done, there wouldn’t be any need for worry and there would be free time that you could use to do things that you enjoy. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof (Matthew 6:34). Even our God wants us to take each day as it comes, rather than worrying about life, make the best of it. Dare yourself, do things that you haven’t done before, socialize and learn from others. Don’t just be conformed to a routine, do something outside the box, so when your are overwhelmed or you feel down, you can think back to the fun things you have done in the past, and it would put a beautiful smile on your face. Life is beautiful; there are great things to be discovered, awesome people to mingle with, hobbies to be developed and lots more. Why don’t you just sit and review your life schedule, see how you can set things around and ensure sure you have the time to give yourself a treat or do something memorable. Once again we have just this one life to live, live everyday like its going to be your last, make the best of it and live it to the fullest.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Pride usually is the beginning of downfall. When we give pride a chance in our lives, we build a certain err around us, that makes us unapproachable. When we begin feel inferior to others, or speak of our accomplishments in a boastful manner, it simply means we are giving glory to ourselves. This ought not to be so; anything we are, or have accomplished in life is not our own doing. We have limited control over whatever we become; God is the one who makes us whatever we turn out to be. People get so carried away when they are fortunate to be at the top, they forget that there are people who are not as fortunate and could use a little help. They begin to categorize themselves in order of class or standard and expect others to look up to them and worship them. It should not be this way, whether or not we are at the top, we need to be humble. Some others even have nothing that one could brag about, but they carry on an attitude of arrogance. On other occasions when things go wrong, or there is a misunderstanding between people in a relationship, they begin to keep malice and develop hatred for one another. Keeping malice has a lot to do with pride. We should try to make peace and do it with all sincerity. Take away all self pride in your thoughts and comments so there will be genuine settlement amongst you. Attitude is something we can always work on, because really whatever attitude we show off at any point in time is by choice. Most times, people miss out on great opportunities and help that could be rendered for their betterment. People sometimes look down on others without knowing what influences they have and what they are capable of or in position to do. The people you have written off might just be the ones who God has placed your destiny their hands. They might be the ones who would help you secure a job, start your business, finance your education, they might even be your long awaited spouse. We need to learn to swallow our pride and also be honest in all your doings because you never know who you are talking to and you never know what degree of help they can render to you. Never let people think you are worth much more than you really are. Once a great opportunity has been missed, it would take only Gods grace to retrace our steps; therefore we should be very careful. Don’t ever feel like there is a certain person that you would never need their help, because you just might never know what God has in store for you through them. Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time (Peter 5:6) . To be at the top, you have to start from the bottom, don’t ever think you are too good for anything or too good to be associated with any person. It is ok to be a servant because in Gods own time, you will be a king. Pray daily for the spirit of humility because being prideful is a sin against God and man. Let us always remember that no matter what we have, we are all one under God, and in his sight, we are equal.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

No hurries!

Hurrying is an issue that quite a number of people deal with. Once an opportunity arises, you find yourself jumping into it and taking advantage of the situation. It is not a bad thing to tap into available resources, but it is horrible to do it without carefully considering it. People find themselves rushing into a business line, just because a lot of other people are doing it successfully. They are often filled with regrets at the end of the day because they do not blossom as they thought they would, and a lot of invested money, time and effort go to waste. Everything in life should be done gradually, taken one day at a time. In the process, you can catch any errors in whatever you do and make necessary amendments before it gets out of hand. People rush into relationships, and find out it is not at all what they bargained for. If only they had taken baby steps before jumping the hurdle, they would have had the ability to discern and have an idea of what the relationship would be like before getting into it. There really isn’t any need to rush ahead of ourselves, there is a specific plan God has set for us, and if we are impatient, we just might miss it. A great example is that of Abraham and Sarah, God had a plan for them; he knew he was going to bless them with a child at his own appointed time, but they were in so much hurry. And Sara said unto Abram, Behold now, the LORD hath restrained me from bearing: I pray thee, go in unto my maid; it may be that I may obtain children by her. And Abram hearkened to the voice of Sara (Genesis 16:2). As humans, it is very difficult task to maintain patience, we get so uneasy when things don’t go the way we want it, and at the time we want it. I have learnt to fight the way I feel and hold on to God’s word and promises, because those doubting and uneasy feelings are not of God. If things are not going accordingly, it’s not because you are a total failure, or you are doing something extremely wrong, it’s just that it isn’t the perfect timing or better still, it isn’t according to Gods purpose for your life. God’s time is perfect timing and I believe that is what everyone should be looking forward to, because at his time, you are certain that whatever you do would come out perfect. Waiting on God now shouldn’t give us the permission to be lazy or ignorant, we still should be optimistic in everything we do, but at the same time lean not alone on our understanding. If anything at all is Gods will for your life, it would come to pass at a time that it would bring you unending joy, and bring glory to the name of God.

Monday, August 17, 2009


Friendship is something I place a lot of value on. It is not something that should be jumped into. It is something that should be properly evaluated, and it is something that should be prayerfully considered. There are various types of friends and friendships. You have some “forever friends”, that you most likely have known from your childhood and still maintain a good relationship with, some friends just walk into your life, make a positive impact and you keep them, some are just there to take from you, some are mentors that you look up to, some are there to listen to you, and this might sound rather untrue, but some are just in your life, to hurt you, cheat you and stab you in the back.Before deciding to be friends with anyone, It is wise to take a little time to get to know them, know what they are about, study them, find out if you can be compatible, check to see if they would defile or edify you, take note of their values, character and actions, see if they truly care about you and have your interest at heart. If they are wise, they would be carrying out the same tests on you as well and then a reasonable conclusion can be met. Personally, when acquaintances say or do things that hurt me or I’m not too pleased with, I don’t care too much, I see it as one of those things that come with life or even part of learning and growing up and I let it go easily. On the other hand, when the people I consider “friend” do likewise, I am hurt much more, because I feel they should know me better than others and they should understand me. Things I consider key in friendship are HONESTY, TRUST and LOYALTY. If any of these key things is lacking in a relationship then it is not friendship. A friend is someone you can count on always, one that would always be there for you no matter the situation, they would always have your interest at heart, they would do whatever is within their reach to ensure you are the best, they would defend you boldly and caution you as the opportunity arises, a friend would always support your goals and dreams, commend you on your achievements and encourage you when things go otherwise. A friend should love you for who you are and the way you are, your friend should love your family as well. A true friend should know his or her boundaries, you should feel safe when your supposed close friend is around you man or your woman, and you shouldn’t have any insecurity when it comes to your friend. You should not have to worry that your friend is sneaking around your significant other, or having a rather suspicous or unnecessary relationship with them.They should respect your affairs and relationships.
After all said and done, Can I be a friend? Do I even have a friend? Lastly, is there really that perfect friend? To my last question, the answer is YES there is, there's just this one sweet, humble, meek, lowly, loving, loyal, honest, caring, true man. He loves everyone equally; he is the only true friend that I have met. He has never been fake, and he never leaves nor forsakes his friend. He is always there through thick and thin. I have evaluated him, and I am convinced that he is just the perfect friend for me. The awesome thing about him is he carries everyone along, he can be friends with the whole world, therefore, if you are seeking that one best friend, I am willing to share mine with you. WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Consistency is a virtue, it is not seen as one all of the time but it really is. What is consistency? This is a high degree to which a set pattern, trend, or character is followed, and this trend, pattern or character is followed unconditionally. Trends or patterns can be set in any and everything. It can be in the way one speaks, dress, address people, the relationships one has and just the way things are generally done. I would be focusing more on consistency in relationships, solely because I can speak from my past experiences. Inconsistency is a major source of confusion, its causes you to shy away from what “is” and focus on what is “not”. A lot of people deal with “off and on’s” in relationships, not specifically boy-girl relationships, but also in mutual sex relationship. When a party in a relationship all of a sudden quits on the other, and renders them confused, then inconsistency has set in. Most people are inconsistent due to immaturity or indecisiveness which can be sometimes understandable. It is very unfair though to drag someone else in your confusion because it either sets them back, or you cause them to be as confused as you are. Before you embark on anything at all, it is a very wise idea to be as informed about it as possible, pray about it and be sure it is the best for you rather than just jumping into it and backing out at the dying minute. It is good to be known for who you really are, rather than carrying the coat of a chameleon. Once you set your heart to something, and you are certain that you have made an appropriate decision, then you will be consistent and you would have a smooth sail. There would be no fear of backing out or disappointing anyone. A lot of times, feelings are hurt, hearts are broken all because they have been entangled with a person who is not consistent and wont always come through for them.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


"Don’t give up" is a quote that is often used by many, even I have used it on several occasions. Recently it dawned on me that I just might be wrong about the whole "don’t give up thing” and I really do need to give up. There are a lot of things in life that we just try to hold on to whether it its right or wrong, whether is ours or not, whether it glorifies man or God. We hold on to bitter-sweet relationships , we hold on to careers that is leading us nowhere, even when there are better opportunities staring us in the face, we make the same silly mistakes over and over again all because we have failed to GIVE UP in the first place.We are encouraged by parents, friends, elders, spiritual leaders, and people in general, they tell us over and over again "Don’t give up". Guess what? YimiDivine is acting contrary to that. I am giving up on anything that makes me less of what God has ordained me to be, I am giving up on things that I want desperately and I have not been initially destined to have(believe me, if you genuinely seek the face of the lord you would know), I am giving up on associations that defile me rather that edify me, I am giving up on all my failures, rather than being sorry about them, I am pressing on to succeed, I am giving up everything I consider negative and making positive affirmations out of it all.Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Even the word of God lets us know that we need to GIVE UP our old self in order to enter a new covenant with Christ and be born again.Give up now while you can, don’t just give up, but give up wisely, give up for a purpose, see a big picture ahead of you, give up and be happy you did. Again, GIVE UP WISELY! GIVE UP NOW!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Today I woke up to LOVE. There have been many times in my life that I felt that there is no love around me. I felt like no one loved me and I could not be bothered to love anyone. Other times came that I felt showered with love; the sad thing is there was always a question behind it. Is the love I feel genuine? Is this feeling going to be for always? Most times, those feelings fade away. I thought I had a problem, I felt I just could not be loved. Really who said I could not be loved? There was actually someone out there that had undying love for me. Christ had genuine love for me, the type of love that I cannot trade for silver or gold. I began to love myself; I found everything good in me. I am a rare gem of inestimable value, I am a priceless diamond...Oh how I love me! I actually did not have a problem, I was indeed very amiable, I just had to learn that the love of God is perfect love and the love of just the love of man. Now I can love because I am loved and indeed, HE LOVED ME FIRST!!!!!!!.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am here only because I do a lot of thinking. My thoughts will mean nothing if it is not shared. I am thinking again, it might have a meaning and it might not, but bottom line is, you are drawn along in my deepest thoughts. I am here thinking why I have questions and have no answers, and I also feel like I have answers but does it really answer my question???? I have goals, dreams, big pictures of my current time and of my future, but these thoughts and questions would not stop coming, they keep coming and I have no answer. Will you be who or what you want to be? Is that what you want for yourself? Why do you want what you want? And the questions go on and on, all in my deep thoughts.